The Proven Trading Formula that Has Generated Consistent Weekly Results without the Long Complicated Learning Curve!
Watch the Short Video Below to Understand How Forex Success Code Can Take Your Trading to the Next Level!
![]() | Rehashed ebooks or junk systems that you can find somewhere else for free. |
![]() | Static optimized Forex robots that only work during back-test and completely fail in live trading. |
![]() | No complicated stuffs like ‘artificial intelligence’ here. No empty promises that deliver you nothing. |
Warning: This Is Not For Everyone! Check out If You Qualify Below...
Very Important: Don't Close This Page!
Get our system at an insanely low price TODAY!
More details below...
I don't want to work. I don't like to work. Neither am I searching for work.
Why should I when I can use my "smarts" to pull AT LEAST $400 out of the FOREX market everyday without sitting in front of my computer for more than 15-20 minutes?
And why should you if I can show you exactly how to do it too?
And here's exactly how you're going to make this kind of money...
Can you do that?
You don't need anything harder than that to make at least $200 a day!
Anybody who tells you otherwise hasn't spent the amount of time I have to decipher the foolishness that's been drummed in me for years!
Yes! Contrary to what you may think...
So-called forex 'experts' would have you believe it is.
Especially those who write on forums and articles that you can "lose your shirt trading the markets..." OR " is not for the faint of heart..."
When I was starting out years ago, I swallowed it... hook... sink... and line.
I was told, "Oh, you must listen to the news and try to trade based on what you hear happening in world economies?"
Who says you must follow complicated indicators and must use sophisticated 'artificial intelligence' tools - and a whole other bunch of strange-sounding gibberish I care not to recall right now?
Who says you must familiarised yourself with weird chart patterns?
I learned the hard way that...
Listen to me:
You DON'T need ROBOTS to make you rich!
You DON'T need experience to begin trading!
You DON'T need plenty capital to start!
You DON'T need to watch your charts all day to make money!
So let me ask you a couple questions....
If someone asked me those three questions, all my answers would boil down to one word:
If you looked in my clothes closet, you would find sets of DVDs and CDs of so-called gurus who managed to lure me with their slick sales messages, hypnotising me to fork over $1,997 for stuff I could easily find after plugging certain keywords into Google.
I have receipts of $2,995 and plane tickets to show for seminars I attended in New York, Las Vegas, Atlantic City and wherever else...
I lied to my bosses, told 'em I had family emergencies in those cities, when, in fact, I was chasing the elusive dream to becoming a forex trading god!
And did it all help me?
I won't lie. To some extent it did.
I got good enough to the point where I decided to stay home and become a full-time trader.
But I still wasn't satisfied...
I was sitting for 8-12 hours trading with squiggly indicator lines running across my charts...
...there was a news ticker running along the bottom of my screen as well...
...I had my TV locked on CNBC... I was following the subscription service of some 'expert' whose seminar I attended and... It was just one massive information overload!
Is this what I traded in my job for?
To sit at home all cooped up in the house staring at a computer screen?
Was this what my life boiled down to now?
Wasn't I supposed to be travelling?
Doing whatever I want?
Whenever I want?
With money coming in no matter what?
I got really tired of sitting at the computer, sometimes making hundreds of pips and losing them back through overtrading!
I became a regular visitor at the chiropractor, looking for relief from my painful neck and back!
I hadn’t been on a vacation in months because I was afraid long periods away from my computer would dry up my earnings!
People always thought I was sick or smoking weed because my eyes were always bloodshot!
Does that sound like the lifestyle of something who’s living high off the hog?
No! And something had to give!
So what did I do?
I studied my current method of trading... ripped it apart... pulled it down...
and realised most of what I was doing COULD HAVE BEEN EASILY AVOIDED!
I realised that I, like so many other thousands of traders, was trading on fear, greed, revenge, faulty judgement... and...well... in other words, I was trading emotionally!
The trick was that if I could suck all those negative things out of my trading strategy and trade on a PURELY MECHANICAL BASIS, I would have greater success AND FAR MORE FREE TIME!
I pulled it off!
And now I've put together a remarkably powerful 15-minute-a-day strategy which works!
And for all the exhaustive tests I've put it through...
I've TESTED and PROVEN my method with dozens of traders who were disillusioned like me.
Some of them were people I met on the seminar circuit who were still not satisfied with what we were learning. For example...
These people are just like you. They want the freedom to just stay at home and just make money.
And they ARE doing it!
How about you?
Can you imagine waking up, looking outside to see there's a snow storm and NOT have to trudge through the snow to go to work?
Can you imagine just strolling over to your laptop, looking for the trade set ups like I tell you, place your trades, and log back in later to see if you've made an effortless $200?
Can you imagine NOT panicking if you were suddenly told the company was laying off?
While others are bemoaning their Fate, you simply smile because now you have the time to double up your second, side income to a FULL time income?
You Now Can Have All the Most Powerful Strategies and Tricks Packed In a Complete Forex Trading Course That Will Help You to Rake In Cash From the Forex Market Consistently- Average $4,000 Or More Per Month!
Now, Profitable Trading Has Been Made Easier For You!
Imagine a hands-free, stress-free money-making system that...
Is perfect for YOU if you work 9 – 5;
a 7am - 3pm; 11am - 7pm; 4pm - 12am--or whatever--it makes money at ANYTIME of the day... make money before... after... or during work hours!
Is 100% mechanical...
so simple... no complicated stuffs... it's just "if A then do B" you just need to understand the rules and follow the rules to become a disciplined trader.
No black box here!
Everything in the systems will be explained in details including the logic behind!
This is to make sure YOU can become an independent forex trader!
Let's you make BIG money in less than 20 minutes everyday!
Up to 400 pips or $4,000 per day!
Is designed for fresh, new forex traders or frustrated veterans who’re looking for consistent, reliable returns!
Integrated with advanced money management rules! Stop loss rules will be explained in details!
Works in any country with any forex broker!
Works with any currency pairs
– flexible enough enter any market to snatch pips that are waiting there. Why bank on trading opportunities in one currency pair when you can drain several pairs everyday!
Requires no fooling around
with economic news or a host of technical trading indicators and tools!
Doesn’t need much capital to start with - $100 is a good start.
When you gain more confidence and experience, then you probably want to add on to this amount every month. Use this like a savings account.
This No-brainer System Will Tell You Everything You Need to Win
From Signals...
...To the Immediate Alert Sounds
When you master my trading secrets, you can really make cash anytime you want by doing something that takes you no more than 20 minutes every morning...
That's what I do...
And I'm so steeped in this lazy lifestyle - so drunk with all this easy cash
- that I can't see myself doing anything else but trading like this for years to come!
And you could find yourself doing the very same thing too.
I don’t (and you soon won't) have an excuse for NOT making money anymore.
There's too much money floating around in the FOREX for you to go
through your ENTIRE life and NOT exploit it.
Right now, before you, you have the opportunity so many others haven't had to take,
a stress-free approach to taking money at will without half the sacrifice!
And if you're really serious...
As you gain more confidence in the ability of my method to siphon daily cash out of the currency markets, you will soon want to trade with larger amounts.
It's your choice, really.
You can withdraw the cash when you want....OR... you can let it become one big lump...
And it definitely becomes more exciting if you leave the money in there.
That's what I did when I resigned from my job.
I simply lived off my savings and grew my lump of cash bigger and bigger!
So, let's say you make $300 a day and instead of withdrawing it,
you turn over the profits to trade with more.
Let's say you double your trading stake each month for 6 months starting with the minimum...
... You'd have nearly $300,000 clear in your bank account after just 6 months!
Your perfect side business is being handed to you all wrapped up in ribbons and bows.
It’s just for you to accept it, knowing that making money will be far easier
than ANY method you’re using right now.
It's simple: Just follow formula and enjoy the rewards!
It's taken me a long time to say it - but I've finally "cracked the code"...
Remember, I was just like you...
I’d steal moments to read forex books I’d spent tons of money on, and sneak online to read up on forex issues and news when I could.
The workplace has gotten so restrictive and oppressive,
I’m not sure if you can do that at your employer's.
In fact, now you don’t have to. Because I’ve pulled from the skills I’ve used
in my 9 – 5 days to help make you richer.
You don’t need to struggle through the same learning curve as I did.
Think about it.
Even other institutional traders I know can't do that.
Traders on Wall Street can't take off for the day after just 15 minutes "work", I'm sure.
They have to sit at their desks all day long, between 8am - 4pm watching their screens for their bosses. And if their bosses don't see 'em watching the screen, they are fired.
You can and will do better than them!
They would love to get their hands on what you are about to get!
They don't know better because they haven't been exposed to better.
As I mentioned above that I'll give you no empty promises, I need to be blunt with you:
I won't just accept EVERYONE to become my student. You MUST qualify the following conditions to get enrolled:
1. You must take action.
This isn't a robot that trades 100% automatically for you.
My course will give you the most profitable signals almost automatically,
but you need to place trades yourself. You'll have 100% control of your trades.
Let me ask you: How many robots have you bought in the past?
Does any of them really work for you? Perhaps none, right?
Ok, this is your way out. Learn how to trade successfully by yourself and you will do much better than any robots out there. Don't be lazy.
All you need is a few hours to learn from me and then 15 minutes a day to trade.
2. You must expect some small losses sometime.
My course doesn't guarantee 100% winning rate.
Any trader who tells you they don't lose money at all is a stone cold liar.
Even the very best traders in the world with their tight risk controls lose money.
But Forex Success Code will help to make sure your gains FAR outnumber
the few losses you will incur.
3. You must follow my instructions to the letter,
as everything in my course is battle-tested and proven... you don't need to change anything.
Well, if you think you qualify for my course, then...
Here is your chance to make money at will.
To just look at the chart on your screen and tell with immediate confidence
where price will be headed.
This is your chance to turn every single day into payday outside of your regular salary.
Imagine coming home a few hundred dollars richer every day
... the whole thing happened while you were out!
All because you followed my simple instruction and spent 15 minutes during the morning, setting up yourself for the day. You could take the day off from your regular job to take care of some personal business and you would still have made money!
You could have been on vacation, sleeping, somewhere in the Caribbean...and you'd still have made money! Imagine making more money on vacation than you would at your regular job?
It's possible. Very, very possible.
And with Forex Success Code, I'm going to show you how.
I know those screenshots look impressive.
And I’m glad I earned that much money.
But, what’d be more exciting is if you could show me screenshots
of trades you have made a killing from!
Now, that would get me really excited knowing that my trading
strategy has made you a bundle as well!
FX Success Code is a comprehensive course designed to help YOU, regardless of your forex background or experience, to become an independent successful forex trader.
I’ll show you a deadly simple system that raked in 40-70 pips per day for me like clockwork. Only TWO steps are required! This system is the best combination of using market trend, market volume and price action. You've never seen something like this before!
With this, you can trade any currency pair, on any timeframe.
So powerful and so easy to use!
![]() | Indicators, template files, and automated installer program that require you only a click to get everything in place. |
![]() | Strategy Guides that will guide you step-by-step to show you how to use these indicators correctly. |
Forget about paying $1,997.... $997... $497... or some other ridiculous price I paid for crap trading systems years ago when I was struggling.
I wouldn't want you to go through the stress and pressure of trying to make your money back in trading returns... and who wants that sort of pressure anyway?
Certainly not you!
I want you to re-coup losses you've suffered over the years as QUICKLY, SAFELY, and as CHEAPLY as possible.
I don't want there to be anything getting in the way of you just trying this out, which is why...
... you can get your hands on my proven trading strategy for LOW LOW Price.
If you haven’t thought about where you’ll be in the next 60 days from now, you can promise yourself that you can be thousands of dollars richer, exploiting a strategy that requires nothing from you other than 15 minutes of dedication to changing your life.
Is that too much to ask?
Is that too much “work”?
I don’t think so.
15 minutes a day is all it takes to make a BIG
difference in your lifestyle.
I’m handing you a lifestyle for this ridiculous low price.
Come and join us on this wonderful trading journey.
Your next 60 days could be the most profitable you’ll ever had.
With Forex Success Code, you don't have to trudge through the long,
painful learning curve I had to undergo years ago.
You will never come out the loser.
So, go ahead, click the link and enjoy the plush possibilities that Forex Success Code can afford you!
One more thing: Depending on the demand, I'm afraid I will be forced to raise the price of FX Success Code to $299 anytime soon. That's $260 more than what it's presently going for now. And, really, it depends on how fast the sales come in.
It could happen tomorrow. It could happen in 3 weeks. It could happen in two months.
Even I myself don't know. I could simply do it on a whim.
So, to avoid that, my advice to you is grab your copy right now.
There are no refunds and all sales are final!
Just to be absolutely clear...
We made the price this low so that this becomes a no brainer decision for you and
we also do not want the hassle of dealing with tyre kickers.
And we have shown and proven to you the effectiveness of the Forex Success Code.
There are no refunds and all sales are final. If you are unsure, please do not proceed.
Although this is almost surely the best decision you can make in the trading world, think carefully.
We will not entertain any refund request for any reason.
This is a one time payment with no license restriction.
Earnings Disclaimer: Results shown are not typical. To achieve these results require discipline, practice, and dedication. Depending on the individual trader, it may take weeks and months of practice to achieve these results. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Forex is a legit financial vehicle. With proper system and strategy, you can build your portfolio. Please do not believe that you can become a millionaire next day. It's not going to happen.
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No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. Hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. All information on this website or any e-book purchased from this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice. Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, does not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold and any authorised distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways. The use of this system constitutes acceptance of our user agreement.
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